Why Every Store Needs an Emergency Communication Plan?

An emergency communication plan is an essential part of any store's disaster preparedness. Two-way radios are the best way to ensure your staff can communicate clearly and quickly during an emergency.

An emergency communication plan is an essential part of any store's disaster preparedness. Two-way radios are the best way to ensure your staff can communicate clearly and quickly during an emergency.

Emergency communication plans help you keep your employees, customers, and assets safe in the event of a disaster. They also help you take care of business quickly and efficiently if your store suffers damage; by responding promptly, you can limit the amount of business you lose and reduce the likelihood that your store will go out of business due to extensive damage.

What is an Emergency Communication Plan?

An emergency communication plan outlines how people will communicate during a crisis, specifying who will contact whom, using which methods, and when. It ensures swift, effective communication to keep everyone safe and informed during emergencies.

Every store needs an emergency communication plan to:

  • Ensure all staff members know what to do in case of a fire, natural disaster, or other emergencies
  • Allow managers to communicate effectively with staff members during emergencies
  • Provide an effective safety process for all employees
  • Protect customers from danger

Business owners can't be everywhere at once. As your business grows, so does the number of locations you need to manage. Whether you oversee a single store or an entire chain, it's vital to have a way to communicate quickly and effectively with all your employees — especially during an emergency.

Without an effective emergency communication plan in place, it's easy for important messages to fall through the cracks, leading to wasted time, inventory loss and even injuries. With proper training and preparation, however, you can ensure that all your employees know what to do in any situation.

How to create a solid emergency communication plan for your retail business?

A solid emergency communication plan is an important part of keeping your business safe. But these plans are only effective if you take the time to test them periodically and make adjustments where necessary. 

You should test your plans at least once a year, but quarterly testing is better. It’s also a good idea to test your emergency communication plan after any major changes occur in your business, such as hiring new employees or moving locations.

Periodic testing will help you identify any problems with your emergency communication plan so you can make corrections before an actual disaster occurs. Here are some tips for how to test your emergency communication plan:

  1. Choose a date and time for the test that works best for your employees. For example, if you’re testing on a weekday, it might be best to choose a time when your employees are less busy, such as during the middle of the day rather than during the morning rush or lunch hour.
  1. Send out an advance notification to all employees about the upcoming test and what they will need to do during the test. This will include instructions for when to contact each other via two-way radios or cell phones, as well as what information they should share during the communication process.
  1. Conduct the test on the day and time.

Two Way Radio for Emergency Communication

Two-way radios are easy to use. Your employees don’t need any special training to use two-way radios, so you can get them up and running quickly.

You don’t need cell coverage to use them. If your phone service goes down during an emergency, Two-way radios will still work as long as they have a battery and you’re within range of other users.

You’ll be able to communicate with your entire team at once. If there is an emergency in your store, an employee with a digital two-way radio can alert the whole team at once instead of having to call or text everyone individually.

Two-way radios are built to last. You don’t have to worry about dropping one on the ground or getting it wet when you’re using it outdoors, which could happen during an emergency in the store if you were trying to communicate via cell phone or tablet.

If you are looking for radio rentals, radio repairs, or want to purchase radios for your emergency communication plan, you can contact a team member at Metro Mobile Radio. If you want to find an industry-specific radio, for your retail store, you can talk to one of our experts and we can find the best Hytera two-way radio for you.